BDRUK works with local rescuers to save dogs whose lives are in danger, either from being on the streets or in public shelters. We ensure they are placed in a safe foster home until they find a home in the UK. Many of these dogs need veterinary treatment in addition to ongoing costs of their care. Making a regular donation helps us to keep these dogs in a safe foster and ensure they are looked after while they wait.
To make a regular donation to support one of these dogs follow the instructions below once on Paypal - the button below will take you to our donation page.
If you would prefer to setup a standing order please ensure you enter FF followed by the name of the dog as your reference eg FF QUINN if you wanted to support Quinn.
Account number: 74154982
Sort Code: 60-16-04
Name: Blind Dog Rescue UK
For international payments you will need the following information:
IBAN: GB27NWBK60160474154982